The Spirit Science Wiki
Jordan Duchnycz Picture January 30 2020

Jordan Duchnycz in January 30th, 2020.

Jordan David Pearce Duchnycz (IPA: /ˈdʒɔɹdən ˈdeɪvɪd ˈpʰiːɹs ˈdʌknɪt͡ʃ/) is the person behind Spirit Science and the CEO of Spirit Studios. His commitment to his series has never stopped, and his series remains successful.

Early life[]

Duchnycz was born in Winnipeg, Canada, on the Manitoba provinence. it's unknown when he was born, though his Newgrounds account shows that he's 29 now, so he was born sometime in 1992. Although he wasn't raised with a particular religion, his parents took him to a Christian church to see if he was interested.

Creation of Spirit Science[]

After Jordan grew older, he registered a Newgrounds account in June 14th, 2005, but it wasn't until late December 2010, around Christmas, when he started exploring spirituality. It was then he ended up finding a book called The Ancient Secret Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizedek, and that impacted his life so much. After some time animating cartoons, he thought of an idea to explain spirituality in a simplified way without the extra reading. This allowed everyone to know about spirituality without the need to read books to understand what was happening.

Over time, he managed to make a lot of friends in his hometown and the United States, with some notable people being TheAtlantisKing (Tyler, last name unknown), and Vanessa Cuccia (who was also ShePatch).

Financial trouble[]

Spirit Science was facing a lot of financial trouble, such as the one in 2016 and in other times. But after they decided to shift, they were no longer worried about the audience scrutinizing them for money.

Personal life[]


He already has moved out of his parents' home, and he had two girlfriends— one of which he currently is with since March 22nd, 2021.

Controversies and scandals[]

A rape accusation went by, and it hurt his reputation by a lot.

